Sometimes, in addition to your recipient's signature, you may need some supporting documents from your recipient (an identity card or a proof of address for instance). You can therefore request attachments from your recipients.

Requesting an attachment

First, following this guide, create a simple project and add some recipients. On any recipient, click on the paperclip button tagged "Request attachment(s)":

On the new modal, give a name to the attachment. This name will be seen by the recipient:

You can request up to 5 attachments per recipients. The recipient can join up to 5 documents per attachment.

Uploading an attachment

As a recipient, you will be prompted during the signature process to upload your attachment:

For each attachment, you can join up to 5 documents:

Retrieving the attachments

Once the project is signed, you can go to "My documents" to find your signed copy of the document. Inside, you will find an "attachments" tab containing all the attached files: