- Simple
A simple signature is a graphical signature affixed to a document. When all signatories have affixed their signatures to the document, it is then cryptographically sealed. This seal provides an extra layer of security for your transaction without any drawback regarding user experience.
This is the easiest to use, perfect for everyday documents and low liability risk transactions. - Digital
A digital signature is a pure cryptographic signature process. Through our mobile application, you will be able to sign the document with a personal certificate issued by our CA. For medium liability risk transactions, this signature mode will bring an extra layer of security. - Qualified
The qualified signature is very similar to a digital signature, with the particularity of using an official Qualified Signature Creation Device (for instance, an eID card) to provide the signature certificate. For some transactions, this level is required by law. It is the highest level of security possible.
What are the different types of e-Signatures?
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